Want to Create Your Own Website?

Our website is about Prince Edward Island but you can create a website about any passion, hobby, or business opportunity you have. 

Our Life in Prince Edward Island

We are just ordinary folk who fell in love with Prince Edward Island from our first visit to the island.

We Love PEI

Most Canadians have never visited this beautiful little Maritime province.

That's a shame...

My husband and I have traveled across Canada from British Columbia to PEI.

We can attest that our country is absolutely worth seeing from its "West Coast Vancouver Island" to its "East Coast Prince Edward Island" and all the provinces and territories in between.

We love PEI the best.

We are sure you will like it too!

Linda and Roger

We enjoyed our vacations in PEI so much that we sold our house in Ontario and retired to Prince Edward Island to open a Bed and Breakfast.

Our cute BnB is a yellow chalet located in the central region of PEI.

We plan to start by renting our loft bedroom with en-suite and private balcony through AirBnB.

After that, we'll do some renovations and rent our main level with kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and den.

Our Prince Edward Island Website

Although we are retired from the 9-5 rat race, we haven't retired from staying active. 

We decided to build this website primarily to promote our Bed and Breakfast but also to share our island adventures, photos, and videos with you on a more personal basis than the more touristy type sites would do.

We wanted to help our family, friends, and BnB guests, learn about life in PEI, and know where the attractions, beaches, and restaurants are located in relation to our BnB.

We are creating this Prince Edward Island website in our spare time using the Solo Build It Platform.

What is Solo Build It?

Solo Build It is more than just a web-hosting provider such as GoDaddy, Wealthy Affiliate, or Wix, for example.

SBI far outweighs hosting companies like those. 

Solo Build It not only gives us total flexibility with our website design, it is everything we need as solopreneurs to build an online business.

If you have ever had the idea of starting your own business, the video below is worth watching.

Retirement Income

Solo Build It has given us the opportunity to learn new skills and implement what we are learning in practical ways. 

Yes, we have a Bed and Breakfast that will generate us a little income, but we are learning through Solo Build It other ways to generate income from our website in our retirement.

When our BnB is closed for the winter months, our website will continue earning money for us through site sponsorship, advertising, affiliate sales, and other monetization models.

It's a great way to be monetarily rewarded for all the free information about Prince Edward Island that we provide for our website visitors.

Studying the Solo Build It "written and video tutorial" action guide is like earning a College Degree in Business without having to go back to school for years on end and acquiring a huge tuition debt!

Plus... We earn as we learn and get to be or own boss. We work when, how, and where we want to.

Isn't that your idea of freedom?

It's definitely ours.

We Are Solo Build It Affiliates

As an SBI affiliate, we not only use Solo Build It for our own business building platform, but we recommend it to others because we think it is an excellent product.

We want to share this exciting home based online business opportunity with people who might be wondering how they can take more control over their life and finances.

We want you and others to know that there is a way out of the hum drum dead end work life that most of us got trapped into.

Affiliate Disclosure: 

If you decide to purchase Solo Build It via any of the links on this site, we could earn a small referral commission which helps cover the cost of providing our website visitors with free information about Prince Edward Island (without any additional cost to you).

More About Solo Build It

Solo Build It teaches you how to run a business and how to get your information found on the internet by the people who would most benefit from what you have to offer.

With Solo Build It, you'll find a rewarding way to earn an income from home with your own online business focused on a topic you know and love or are willing to learn about. 

We are building our website about Prince Edward Island.

That's the theme we chose, but Solo Build It offers you the opportunity to build a web business about "any" topic, hobby, or interest you could possibly have.

We know some people who are building their businesses about dog breeding, raising chickens, cooking, homesteading, gardening, and computer repair.  Even music lessons, and how to learn a second language.

SBI will help you find the perfect niche topic for your website.  Watch the video below about choosing the right niche.

Whether you are working full time, are a stay at home mom, or  are currently unemployed, Solo Build It could be the answer you are looking for in terms of self direction, additional income, or intellectual stimulation.

Solo Build It will direct you "step by step" from the comfort of your own home, on your own time, and at your own pace.

You'll also find plenty of help and encouragement in the SBI private forums if you ever get stuck in your business building journey.

You really can't ask for anything more and neither can we.

We are so happy we chose to investigate Solo Build It.

Do You Have Questions About Solo Build It?

We'd be happy to share more detailed information about how you can turn your hobby or interest into a business that will benefit others as well as earn you extra spending money or even a full time income depending on what your goals are.

Click this link to get fast answers to your Solo Build It questions.

We've talked a lot about Solo Build It because it's a huge part of our story and about the choices we've made in our retirement years.

We are enjoying the experience of growing our Prince Edward Island internet presence and are getting ready to open our Bed and Breakfast soon.

We encourage you to keep visiting our website to follow our progress.

Friends in PEI

Whether you stay at our BnB or not, we hope to help make your visit to Prince Edward Island a memorable one and that you will feel like you have friends in PEI even if we never meet!

Roger & Linda

P.S.   If you do decide to buy Solo Build It, order through this link so you can take full advantage of the 90 Day Guarantee and turn your purchase into a Risk-Free Trial.
